As we have come to the end of the semester I really find it hard to believe everything we have learned. At the beginning of the year my professor had us write down what we want to learn. I thought it would be good to share with you all so here goes.

The only tech class I ever had was years ago in 8th grade. It was boring and all we did was make pictures out of letters. For this class I want to learn how best to use technology to aid my students in learning Spanish or ESL. I want to know how to use technology to enhance my lessons, connect my students with native speakers and to streamline my lessons and the prep. I want technology to be a tool which helps inspire my students and helps them learn better and not have it be a distraction.
Well all I have to say is that I think this class has accomplished that for me. There is no way my teaching will mimic the way I was taught language. There will, of course, be times I must instruct students on how to conjugate verbs or correct grammar but outside those times there are many ways technology can be integrated to enhance my students' learning. I can have them see and listen to native speakers via videos or skype. I can have them make vokis to practice their speaking. They can practice their reading comprehension by reading articles online and then write about what they have learned by making smore flyers or thinglinks or even writing blogs.They will have the entire world open to them. Plus students are social by nature and if they are able to collaborate with their classmates they will be more engaged and ideally learn more. While collaborating they can use google docs or skype and practice their Spanish or English. I really think the possibilities are endless and I am excited to actually put what I have learned into practice. 

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